Discover how our dental sedation methods can transform your dental experience, providing you with the peace of mind you deserve while maintaining the highest standards of safety.
Why Sedation Dentistry Is Helpful?
Sedation dentistry helps make complex, lengthy, and highly invasive procedures shorter and more comfortable for the patient. It helps keep patients calm before and during the procedures and allows the dentist to perform treatments without a hitch. It’s especially useful for patients with low pain thresholds, chronic dental anxiety, and overly sensitive gag reflexes. It’s also completely safe for patients of all ages.
Did you know…
sedation is not just for adults; it's also used for pediatric patients to help them feel more comfortable during treatment
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What to Expect During Dental Sedation
Assessment and Informed Consent
Before any sedation, the dentist will review your medical history and health status to identify any conditions and medication that may disqualify you from sedation. If everything checks out, the dentist will explain the sedation opinions and risks associated with each before asking you to sign a consent form agreeing to the sedation.
Pre-Sedation Preparation and Sedation Administration
Some sedation options sometimes require patients to avoid food and drink for a specific time before surgery. After preparation, the dentist will administer the sedation described in the treatment plan. Sedation techniques include nitrous(IV)oxide, oral conscious, and Intravenous sedation.
Treatment, Monitoring, and Recovery
After sedation administration, the dentist will conduct treatment while closely monitoring your vitals. The vitals monitored include heartbeat, breathing rate, and intracranial pressure. The dentist will respond appropriately to any adverse reactions and stop sedation immediately. After treatment, the dentist will guide you on how to conduct yourself until the sedation effects wear off.
Before & Afters
A smile is worth 1,000 words.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I Be Conscious During Sedation?
Yes, you will be completely conscious during sedation, except during general anesthesia. Patients will remain conscious and aware of what happens but feel completely relaxed and at ease.
However, you will feel completely unconscious during general sedation., and will have no idea what happens or how time passes. You will regain consciousness once the sedation wears off after treatment.
What Happens After My Dental Sedation?
You are free to go home after the treatment concludes. However, the dentist will advise you not to drive home but instead plan to have a friend or family member to take you home. They’ll also advise you to avoid operating heavy machinery before sedation wears off. Sedation can impair judgment, making driving and operating heavy machinery dangerous. You should rest after treatment and wait at least 24 hours before driving and using tools and machines.